Tender Details
Traffic Control Services
Business Name
Oberon Council
VP Reference #
Buyers Reference #
RFT 24/0009
Monday 06 January 2025
(AUS Eastern Standard Time)
Thursday 30 January 2025 10:00 AM
(AUS Eastern Standard Time)
Supplier query cut-off
Thursday 30 January 2025 10:00 AM
(AUS Eastern Daylight Time)
Expected decision
Thursday 20 February 2025
(AUS Eastern Standard Time)
Buyer Details
Business Name
Oberon Council
137-139 Oberon St
Oberon, New South Wales 2787
Business Info
Local Government
Contact Details
The buyer has elected to have their personal and contact details hidden. These details will be revealed at the buyers discretion.
What the buyer is requesting
Traffic Control Services-council Road network and RMCC works
Supplier lists selected
Parking, Traffic Services & Equip
Categories selected
Parking & Traffic Services & Equipment
1: Traffic Management & Control Services
Regions of Service
Australian Capital Territory
1: ACT (all other areas)
2: Canberra
3: Offshore (ACT)
New South Wales
1: Central West
2: Far West
3: Hunter
4: Illawarra
5: Mid-North Coast
6: Murray
7: Murrumbidgee
8: North Western
9: Northern
10: Offshore (NSW)
11: Richmond-Tweed
12: South Eastern
13: Sydney
1: Brisbane
2: Gold Coast
Regions of service locations also include areas outside of Australia.
Information requested by others
13/Jan/2025 01:13 PM
Form 2 - Tender Prices - Schedule of Rates
Travel to and from work site - unplanned and emergency rate (counted both directions) has been duplicated. Should the first Travel box (8000 kms) be Standard Rates?
Note on Schedule of Rates states - Prices submitted "must" include Goods & Services Tax (GST), yet on page 8 of the RFT it states "all rates must be GST exclusive (GST not included), could you please clarify which one is correct.
Answered on 13/Jan/2025 02:32 PM
Travel to and from work site - unplanned and emergency rate (counted both directions) has been duplicated. Should the first Travel box (8000 kms) be Standard Rates? Yes please removed duplicated which has 200km
This is a Schedule of Rates tender (based on actual quantities used) and all rates must be GST
exclusive (GST not included).
13/Jan/2025 01:17 PM
Does travel need to be in kilometres (km)? Can travel be a single allowance and no kilometres? If kilometres is required, where is it calculated from (ie council depot to site there and back).
Answered on 14/Jan/2025 04:48 PM
Can me a single allowance
15/Jan/2025 09:49 AM
Good morning,
Could you please explain the role of the PWZ Traffic Controller and also when council would request this type of Traffic Controller? Thank you
Answered on 15/Jan/2025 11:08 AM
This section relates to staff that have the required qualification of
Prepare a work zone traffic management plan (PWZ) – design (including vary) or inspect a work zone traffic management plan
20/Jan/2025 01:35 PM
Is there an opportunity to review pricing annually within the first 2yr period (after the first 12mths) so that we can avoid pricing higher in year 1 to offset the forecast (unknown) cost increase percentage in year 2?
Answered on 20/Jan/2025 01:53 PM
Hi Brendan,
5.1 Rise and Fall (CPI) Adjustment
5.1.1 Tendered prices are subject to a rise and fall (CPI) adjustment on a yearly basis, with the first adjustment being applied annually after the commencement of this contract.
5.1.2 It would be expected that tendered prices would be adjusted to commensurate with the Australian Bureau of Statistics CPI (Sydney All Groups) for the preceding four (4) quarterly periods.
5.1.3 Any rise and fall adjustment is the responsibility of the Contractor and must be submitted to Council in writing prior to any works being completed. Price adjustments take affect from the date of the written notification from the Contractor
Updates made to this Request