Tender Details
Access this tender
Julia Creek Concrete Construction Works
Business Name
McKinlay Shire Council
VP Reference #
Buyers Reference #
Wednesday 11 December 2024 (E. Australia Standard Time)
Monday 17 February 2025 02:00 PM (E. Australia Standard Time)
Supplier query cut-off
Thursday 13 February 2025 02:00 PM (E. Australia Standard Time)
Expected decision
Monday 17 March 2025 (E. Australia Standard Time)
Buyer Details
Business Name
McKinlay Shire Council
7-9 Coyne St
Julia Creek, Queensland 4823
Business Info
The Council exists to serve the interests of residents within the McKinlay Shire and is often the first point of call for those with a problem or query about local government services.

Our website provides a wealth of community information as well as information about McKinlay and details of town council activities. The site will continue to evolve as we make more information available. Please send us your comments via our contact page.
Contact Details
The buyer has elected to have their personal and contact details hidden. These details will be revealed at the buyers discretion.
What the buyer is requesting
As per documentation provided
Attachments to this Request
Supplier lists selected
  • Building Products & Materials
  • Building Trade, Repairs, Maint.
  • Construction & Operation
Categories selected
  • Building Products & Materials
    1: Concrete & Cement Products
  • Building Trade & Repairs & Maintenance Services
    1: Concreting
  • Construction & Operation
    1: Bridge Construction & Maintenance
    2: Other Civil Construction Materials & Services
    3: Road Building Products & Maintenance & Services
Regions of Service
  • Queensland
    1: Central West
    2: North West
    3: Northern

All Regions of Service locations are within Australia.
Information requested by others
12/Dec/2024 09:12 AM
Will remote field staff accommodation be needed on this project?

Answered on 12/Dec/2024 11:00 AM:

Accommodation is responsibility of the successful contractor.
23/Dec/2024 09:34 AM
Can you please provide an Excel copy of the BOQ?

Answered on 07/Jan/2025 04:50 PM:

Good Afternoon,

The excel copy of BOQ's have been uploaded to the tender.
17/Jan/2025 07:47 AM

Does Yorkshire & Oorindi Mckinlay Culverts have any DA / SARA applications or fish passage requirements that need to be met for this project?

I note the Yorkshire Culvert BOQ line item 4.2 allows for the Culvert cell install and base slab construction, does the principal want the aprons, cut off walls & end structures priced into this line item as well?

Will Fish baffles be required for both culverts?

Are 12d design and survey files available for both culvert sites?

Answered on 17/Jan/2025 04:01 PM:

Does Yorkshire & Oorindi Mckinlay Culverts have any DA / SARA applications or fish passage requirements that need to be met for this project? No. Like for like.

I note the Yorkshire Culvert BOQ line item 4.2 allows for the Culvert cell install and base slab construction, does the principal want the aprons, cut off walls & end structures priced into this line item as well? Yes. Culverts complete with Principal supplied Culverts.

Will Fish baffles be required for both culverts? No

Are 12d design and survey files available for both culvert sites? Yes
11/Feb/2025 12:30 PM

Can you please advise, where we can dispose the demolished materials such as asphalt, concrete, etc. Can we dispose it at the Julia Creek waste facility, and if there are any tipping charges?

Kind Regards

Answered on 11/Feb/2025 02:57 PM:

Question: Can you please advise, where we can dispose the demolished materials such as asphalt, concrete, etc.

Can we dispose it at the Julia Creek waste facility, and if there are any tipping charges?

Response: Yes, it can be disposed of at the Julia Creek waste facility and no tipping charges will apply.
Updates made to this Request
07/Jan/2025 04:49 PM
Please note: The following attachment has been recently added.

1. Added: Excel BOQs.zip

Please consider this attachment when responding.

16/Jan/2025 04:55 PM
Please be advised there is an extension of time to the closing date, now closing Monday 17th February 2025 at 2pm.