Tender Details
2024T066C - Pre Qualified Suppliers Panel - Wet Hire Heavy Plant and Equipment
Business Name
Central Highlands Regional Council
VP Reference #
Buyers Reference #
Monday 02 December 2024 (E. Australia Standard Time)
Friday 17 January 2025 03:00 PM (E. Australia Standard Time) CLOSED
Supplier query cut-off
Friday 17 January 2025 03:00 PM (E. Australia Standard Time)
Expected decision
Friday 07 February 2025 (E. Australia Standard Time)
Buyer Details
Business Name
Central Highlands Regional Council
65 Egerton St
Emerald, Queensland 4720
Business Info
The Central Highlands region is in Central Queensland, Australia. The region encompasses an area of around 60 000 square kilometres, making it just short of the size of Tasmania.

It is home to around 30 000 people who live in the thirteen unique communities of Arcadia Valley, Bauhinia, Blackwater, Bluff, Capella, Comet, Dingo, Duaringa, Emerald, Rolleston, Sapphire Gemfields, Springsure and Tieri.

Our region is rich in minerals and agriculture, thriving on irrigation sourced from water storage on the Nogoa and Comet rivers. We claim the largest sapphire-producing fields in the Southern Hemisphere.

Major freight routes through the region include the north-south link between Charters Towers and northern New South Wales—identified as the inland transport alternative between Cairns and Melbourne.
Contact Details
The buyer has elected to have their personal and contact details hidden. These details will be revealed at the buyers discretion.
What the buyer is requesting
Central Highland Regional Council invites submissions from competent suppliers to supply all materials, plant, equipment, personnel and any other services, costs and/or fees necessary to:

1. Supply long term wet hire of the specified plant and machinery

2. Supply short term wet hire of the specified plant and machinery
Questions asked by the buyer
Question 1 - [Required]
How did you hear about this tender?
Supplier lists selected
  • Plant & Equipment - Hire
Categories selected
  • Plant & Equipment (Hire)
    1: Dozers
    2: Excavators
    3: Graders
    4: Loaders
    5: Skid Steer Loader
    6: Soil Stabilisers
    7: Trucks
Regions of Service
  • Queensland
    1: Fitzroy

All Regions of Service locations are within Australia.
Information requested by others
08/Dec/2024 10:45 PM
Good evening,

Was just wondering with the Skid Steer loader, is there any specific attachments you're requiring for this tender? For example, Drum Mulcher and Slasher attachments. Or more Civil attachments.


Answered on 10/Dec/2024 02:42 PM:

Thank you for your response. I would encourage you to list and price all attachments that you have available for your machine.
13/Dec/2024 09:24 AM
Good morning, would the central highlands council be interested in some Specialized equipment at all. Remote control mower/slashers at all that can mow on gradients up to 50 degrees. These units are great as they remove operators away from main roads and dangerous locations. Removing the risk completely of people potentially getting injured?


Answered on 13/Dec/2024 09:42 AM:

Good morning, the equipment mentioned does not fall under the scope of this tender.
01/Jan/2025 02:33 PM
The response schedules outlined in the tender binder notes a S01 Pricing Schedule which does not appear to be attached to the response documents. There is only a S01B Commercial Framework. Can you please provide the required Pricing Schedule document or advise if this is not required.

Answered on 07/Jan/2025 07:37 AM:

Good morning, as outlines in the CSR CHRC has not supplied Schedule 1a. Suppliers are to provide their own current price lists for long term (12 month) monthly hire and short term (1month) hire of the above specified plant.
06/Jan/2025 11:11 AM
Hello. Under the goods & services requirements section it notes spreader trucks. Are these asphalt spreader trucks specifically? We can provide material delivery trucks that use a hopper fed conveyor system that can deliver/spread material at high discharge rates, but different to a continuous width spreader as per asphalt application. If you could please clarify what application you need in regard to this item that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Answered on 09/Jan/2025 02:00 PM:


Council is happy to consider any plant that you have to offer under this arrangement. I note, there is no specific spreader truck identified, therefore you can add your plant and description to the schedule of rates for CHRC to consider. Thanks
Updates made to this Request
03/Dec/2024 01:24 PM
Please note: The following attachments have been recently added.

1. Added: 2024T066C_Tender Binder.pdf

2. Added: 2024T066C_Response Docs.zip

Please consider these attachments when responding.

09/Dec/2024 11:32 AM
Please note: The CSR in the tender binder has been updated to include:

- D8 - D11 Dozers