Tender Details
200888 Manual Handling Training Program
Business Name
Sutherland Shire Council
VP Reference #
Buyers Reference #
Monday 16 December 2024 (AUS Eastern Standard Time)
Tuesday 28 January 2025 03:00 PM (AUS Eastern Standard Time) CLOSED
Supplier query cut-off
Tuesday 28 January 2025 03:00 PM (AUS Eastern Daylight Time)
Expected decision
Tuesday 11 March 2025 (AUS Eastern Standard Time)
Buyer Details
Business Name
Sutherland Shire Council
4 Eton St
Sutherland, New South Wales 2232
Business Info
Contact Details
The buyer has elected to have their personal and contact details hidden. These details will be revealed at the buyers discretion.
What the buyer is requesting
This RFT to establish as manual handling training program (which is a comprehensive training initiative designed to educate all employees on proper techniques and practices for safely lifting, carrying, pushing, pulling and manipulating objects in the workplace) including a variety of risk profiles.

Please refer to the attached documents for your reference and your response.
Supplier lists selected
  • Training & Development
Categories selected
  • Training & Development
    1: Content development & Instructional Design
    2: eLearning Services & Solution
    3: Monitoring & Evaluation
    4: Training Aids & Equipment
    5: Training Delivery & Facilitation
    6: Vocational Education & Training
Regions of Service
  • New South Wales
    1: Sydney

All Regions of Service locations are within Australia.
Information requested by others
17/Dec/2024 11:19 AM
Are we able to submit a partial response, as our capabilities lie within the leadership, management and behavioural change - as opposed to the manual training elements?

Answered on 18/Dec/2024 09:12 AM:

No, SSC will not accept a partial response. SSC is looking for a supplier that can provide and deliver a full Manual Handling Training Program, the business is not looking for a provider with their capabilities lying within the Leadership, Management and Behavioural change area.

Thank you for your question.

18/Dec/2024 10:30 AM
In preparing a response for this request, would block style training be permissible?

Answered on 18/Dec/2024 04:51 PM:

The training requirements and schedule would be in consultation with the individual business unit and would be determined by operational needs basis.

Thank you SSC
20/Dec/2024 04:14 PM
Is it the intention of the Council to use data from the manual handling training to inform wider WHS initiatives?

Answered on 13/Jan/2025 05:55 PM:

Yes, Council will actively seek information gained from the sessions and from participant feedback to progress the outcomes of its Safety Roadmap.
20/Dec/2024 04:15 PM
What is the desired length and format of the training sessions for each risk group or is it up to the provider to recommend best practices?

Answered on 13/Jan/2025 05:39 PM:

While Council will actively take suggestions from providers on length and format, it is anticipated that an initial training session would be no longer than 2 hours in order to support operational requirements.
20/Dec/2024 04:15 PM
Are there any restrictions on delivery methods? Is the Council’s preference for all sessions to be face to face, or a mix of virtual, online and face to face? Or is it up to the provider to recommend the best approach?

Answered on 13/Jan/2025 05:46 PM:

Council’s preferred model of delivery for initial sessions is face-to-face in order to provide active involvement and promote engagement from employees. Providers should outline their approach to both initial sessions and ongoing refresher training and provide supportive evidence for the effectiveness of their outlined approach.
20/Dec/2024 04:15 PM
Will Council provide specific training facilities, or should the proposal account for external venue arrangements?

Answered on 13/Jan/2025 05:45 PM:

Facilities suitable for each group size and type will be provided by Council.
20/Dec/2024 04:15 PM
How many training sessions do you anticipate needing for each risk group annually or is it up to the provider to recommend?

Answered on 13/Jan/2025 05:44 PM:

It is presumed that High risk groups would be trained in year 1 and 3 with a refresher in year 2 and that low-risk groups would be trained initially with a minor refresh every two years.
20/Dec/2024 04:15 PM
Are there peak operational periods when training delivery should be avoided?

Answered on 13/Jan/2025 05:44 PM:

Yes, outdoor staff are in peak season from November to March each year. Preference for lower risk staff is given during these periods instead. It is also noted that the majority of training internally takes place Tuesday-Thursdays as Mondays and Fridays are often rostered days for shift staff. However, some courses will be booked on these days if required.
20/Dec/2024 04:16 PM
Can we obtain a copy of the Council’s Safety Roadmap 2024–2026?

Answered on 13/Jan/2025 05:42 PM:

Yes. This document will be shared via an addendum.
20/Dec/2024 04:16 PM
Is there an indicative budget range for this project?

Answered on 15/Jan/2025 02:13 PM:

Council anticipates the annual spend over the first two years would be approximately between $130,000.00 and $180,000.00 per annum. Ongoing spend would be determined by method of delivery.
20/Dec/2024 04:23 PM
Are there specific challenges or recurring issues that have been identified in manual handling practices within the workforce?

Answered on 13/Jan/2025 05:40 PM:

Repetitive strain injuries are common however bodily location depends on task and work group. Providers can assume that common manual handling issues are present such as overload of back when lifting, pulling or pushing, joint injuries in shoulders, knees, elbows. Groin hernias from overload are a common issue.
20/Dec/2024 04:24 PM
What is the desired length and format of the training sessions for each risk group or is it up to the provider to recommend best practices?

Answered on 13/Jan/2025 05:47 PM:

It is presumed that High risk groups would be trained in year 1 and 3 with a refresher in year 2 and that low-risk groups would be trained initially with a minor refresh every two years.
09/Jan/2025 05:45 PM
Hello there, just a couple of quick questions:

1. The RFT asks for a proposed schedule for the program rollout over a 2 year period and states that "indicative session numbers are outlined in Part C for your information". Part C is actually the contract and we can't find where the anticipated number of sessions is located in the documents. Are you able to share the info on your preferred number of sessions? Alternatively, we have noted the expected number of employees in each risk category that will require training (detailed in the price schedule) and can determine the likely number of sessions required on an ideal number of participants, however this may not fully meet your operational/scheduling requirements. If not, are you happy for us to note our assumptions with the proviso this may need to be revised to enable more training sessions / days onsite?

2. There would be significant cost savings achieved using a day rate, as opposed to individual training sessions but we appreciate this will be very much dependent on the scheduling. Would it be helpful to include individual session cost PLUS the option for a hourly and day rates where multiple sessions could be completed together?

Thanks in advance for your response!

Answered on 13/Jan/2025 05:54 PM:

1. Please refer to 200888 Annexure 4 - Price Table.

2. Council appreciates providers outlining cost options in a transparent manner.

Note: Alternative Proposal's (including pricing)

Tenderers may submit an alternative proposal if they believe it offers cost savings or other benefits to the Council, even if it includes a significant departure from the Council’s stated requirements in the RFT. However, an alternative proposal can only be submitted alongside a fully compliant submission.

For more details, please refer to clause 4.5 "Alternative Proposals" in the document titled "200888 Request for Tender (RFT)."
15/Jan/2025 01:42 PM
Can you please advise what health/wellbeing or safety programs are currently in place or are being looked at being implemented during the period of this project?

Answered on 23/Jan/2025 10:46 AM:

There are a range of health and wellbeing initiatives in place which include: Health Monitoring for high risk employees, vaccination programs, fitness passport, early intervention physiotherapy program, corporate fitness initiatives, EAP and critical incident support services

Sutherland Shire Council
15/Jan/2025 01:42 PM
Can you please advise the number and structure of the Safety Team and other operational resources you think will be important in sustaining this program?

Answered on 23/Jan/2025 10:46 AM:

Safety Team: 3 senior staff; 2 administrative staff

Learning and Organisational Development team: 1 senior staff, 2 administrative staff

Business unit People Leaders will support rollout in each area

Sutherland Shire Council
15/Jan/2025 01:42 PM
Do you have a sample of a Job Dictionary that you can provide?

Answered on 23/Jan/2025 10:47 AM:

Job Dictionaries will be provided to the successful applicant under commercial in confidence.

Sutherland Shire Council
15/Jan/2025 01:43 PM
Can you provide an outline of the Council’s Risk Management Program in relation to hazardous manual tasks?

Answered on 23/Jan/2025 10:47 AM:

Tasks are reviewed and risk assessed prior to commencement of staff. Safe Work Method Statements are in place for repetitive high risk tasks. Areas of high risk are identified and mitigations put in place to manage risk through hierarchy of controls.

Sutherland Shire Council
15/Jan/2025 01:43 PM
Do you have a behavioural safety program in place at Council?

Answered on 23/Jan/2025 10:48 AM:

In planning for rollout in late 2025

Sutherland Shire Council
22/Jan/2025 12:20 PM
To respond to the following question- Council promote and encourage local economic development, what percentage of employees that will be working on the Contract that reside in Sutherland Shire LGA?

If the organisation intends to employ additional staff to fulfil the contract if the tender is successful can this be noted in this section and referenced by a % reflecting this?

Answered on 23/Jan/2025 10:44 AM:

Thank you for your question,

Yes a % if fine.

Sutherland Shire Council
Updates made to this Request
21/Jan/2025 03:32 PM
Please note: The following attachments have been recently added.

1. Added: Addendum 1 - 200888 Manual Handling Training Program.docx

2. Added: FINAL Safety Roadmap 24 to 26.pdf

Please consider these attachments when responding.