Tender Details
Request for Expression of Interest - Forrest Beach Tourist Park
Business Name
Hinchinbrook Shire Council
VP Reference #
Buyers Reference #
HSC 24/08
Wednesday 11 December 2024
(E. Australia Standard Time)
Friday 17 January 2025 02:00 PM
(E. Australia Standard Time)
Supplier query cut-off
Wednesday 15 January 2025 02:00 PM
(E. Australia Standard Time)
Expected decision
Tuesday 18 March 2025
(E. Australia Standard Time)
Buyer Details
Business Name
Hinchinbrook Shire Council
25 Lannercost St
Ingham, Queensland 4850
Business Info
The Shire of Hinchinbrook is a local government area in North Queensland, Queensland, Australia. The shire, administered from the town of Ingham, covers an area of 2,807 square kilometres, and has existed since its creation on 11 November 1879 as one of 74 divisions around Queensland under the Divisional Boards Act 1879.
The council consists of a mayor plus six councillors, each of whom represents the entire Shire. Prior to 2008, the council consisted of a mayor plus eight councillors.
Contact Details
The buyer has elected to have their personal and contact details hidden. These details will be revealed at the buyers discretion.
What the buyer is requesting
Council invites Expressions of Interest from suitably qualified Respondents for interest parties to enter into a long-term Lease Agreement for the operation of Forrest Beach Tourist Park, for a period of up to 30 years as described in more detail in Part 4 - Scope.
Council is seeking innovative and experienced operators to provide high quality service, management, development and maintenance of the Forrest Beach Tourist Park.
Following receipt of submissions, an assessment process will take place with a view to establishing a shortlist for further information and written tenders.
Site Inspection
Date: Wednesday 18 December 2024
Time: 10.30am
Where: 7 Leichhardt Street, Forrest Beach
RSVP to kthomson@hinchinbrook.qld.gov.au by 5.00pm Tuesday 17 December 2024.
Tenders closed 2.00pm, 17 January 2025.
Supplier lists selected
Real Estate & Property Services
Travel & Tourism
Categories selected
Real Estate & Property Services
1: Facilities Management Services
Travel & Tourism
1: Caravan Parks & Campground Management
2: Tourism Development Consulting Services
Regions of Service
1: Far North
2: Northern
All Regions of Service locations are within Australia.
Information requested by others
20/Dec/2024 11:34 AM
Request for Expressions of Interest – Forrest Beach Tourist Park.
Questions Arising from EIO Document and Site Inspection 18th December
1. Is the Site Inspection of 18th December the only opportunity to meet with Council Officers to discuss issues related to the EOI.
2. The two Lots on Palm Street are on a separate title to the Tourist Park. What form of title applies to these lots and can permanent infrastructure be constructed on these lots. Can purposes other than Tourism be conducted on these lots.
3. There are extensive repairs/ modifications required to the toilet block on site to deal with the serious mold problem associated with the type of construction and the biocycle sewerage treatment which is integral to the development. When does Council intend to address these issues.
4. Who is responsible for the servicing of the biocycle sewerage treatment facility. Is Council able to advise us of the annual cost of carrying out this required servicing.
5. Who is responsible for the building and infrastructure insurance applicable to the toilet block/ biocycle sewage treatment plant considering that the site is in a cyclone area and may be subject to storm surge in a category 4 or 5 event.
6. How much will the operator of the Tourist Park be liable for property rates and water rates. Will there be a separate sewage rate considering that the sewage treatment plant was constructed by Council and remains and is critical to the operation of the tourist park.
7. Will the operator be required to contract directly with MAMS to provide a rubbish collection service.
8. Will Council compensate the operator to cover the cost of public use of the toilet block and the Public Use Dump Point.
9. Who is responsible for the supply and installation of the new signage which will be required to amend rules and fees for the privately operated Tourist Park.
10. Is there any restrictions on the number of consecutive days that visitors can stay (i.e. Could a park resident stay for a period from April to October).
11. Is there any compulsion to operate the Tourist Park for twelve months in the year or will operating periods be entirely at the discretion of the successful tenderer.
12. Is there any restrictions on the type and location of new Capital Infrastructure.
13. Is there any requirement to have staff on site for certain hours in the days or certain days in the week.
14. Is there any restriction on having an onsite caretaker/ manager occupying a caravan or mobile home.
15. Could a Kiosk or other “Pop-Up” type snack/Ice-cream or coffee shop be set up on one of the lots in Palm Street.
16. Is the Lessee entirely responsible for Public Liability Insurance given there is likely to be some public use of the Toilet Block and/or Public Dump Point.
17. Does Council have any preconceived view as to appropriate Lease Period. Is there a minimum lease period.
Answered on 13/Jan/2025 10:55 AM
Good morning
Please see responses below:
1. Is the Site Inspection of 18th December the only opportunity to meet with Council Officers to discuss issues related to the EOI.
Yes. The Site Inspection was non-mandatory. All questions to be made through the portal.
2. The two Lots on Palm Street are on a separate title to the Tourist Park. What form of title applies to these lots and can permanent infrastructure be constructed on these lots. Can purposes other than Tourism be conducted on these lots.
Lot 11 on A7748, located at 2-4 Palm Street is the only lot available to contemplate under this EOI. The lot is a reserve (with Council as Trustee) for Recreation purposes. Any infrastructure that is permanent must be for such purpose. Secondary uses may be permitted with a land management plan and general consistency with the intended purpose may be considered. Otherwise, temporary activities permitted under Local Laws may be proposed for this lot as part of the EOI.
3. There are extensive repairs/ modifications required to the toilet block on site to deal with the serious mold problem associated with the type of construction and the biocycle sewerage treatment which is integral to the development. When does Council intend to address these issues.
Council will address any capital improvements in negotiation with the successful tenderer at such time.
4. Who is responsible for the servicing of the biocycle sewerage treatment facility. Is Council able to advise us of the annual cost of carrying out this required servicing.
Council is responsible for the external sewerage disposal system. The lessee will be responsible for ensuring that only appropriate waste is disposed of into the system.
5. Who is responsible for the building and infrastructure insurance applicable to the toilet block/ biocycle sewage treatment plant considering that the site is in a cyclone area and may be subject to storm surge in a category 4 or 5 event.
Council maintains insurance for its buildings and infrastructure. The successful lessee will be responsible for insurances related to public liability. Generally, maintenance related to fixtures and appurtenances for the operation of the tourist park will be covered by the lessee and therefore consideration may be given to this.
6. How much will the operator of the Tourist Park be liable for property rates and water rates. Will there be a separate sewage rate considering that the sewage treatment plant was constructed by Council and remains and is critical to the operation of the tourist park.
Rates and charges will be payable. An estimate of rates is not presently available as there is additional property administration required to reconvene a rates regime for the property, with the current improvements and connections on the land. Any consideration, conditions or concessions regarding rates and charges should be outlined in the EOI responses. This will determine how the rates and charges (including details of the rating arrangements) will be included in the subsequent tender documentation.
7. Will the operator be required to contract directly with MAMS to provide a rubbish collection service.
Yes. The lessee will be responsible for waste management.
8. Will Council compensate the operator to cover the cost of public use of the toilet block and the Public Use Dump Point.
The respondent to the EOI should clarify whether the dump point will be considered as part of the operation of the Tourist Park. If it is available to the public, please advise the charging regime to cover the cost.
9. Who is responsible for the supply and installation of the new signage which will be required to amend rules and fees for the privately operated Tourist Park.
As this is to be a Tourist Park, all changes, including signage is a matter for the operator. Council will remove its existing signage.
10. Is there any restrictions on the number of consecutive days that visitors can stay (i.e. Could a park resident stay for a period from April to October).
In compliance with the Hinchinbrook Shire Planning Scheme, a guest must not stay longer than 14 consecutive days.
11. Is there any compulsion to operate the Tourist Park for twelve months in the year or will operating periods be entirely at the discretion of the successful tenderer.
The operation of the park, including any seasonal parameters, must be outlined in the response to the EOI.
12. Is there any restrictions on the type and location of new Capital Infrastructure.
Any capital infrastructure improvements must be related to the use of the premises so as to be compliant with the purpose of the Reserve under the Land Act 1994.
13. Is there any requirement to have staff on site for certain hours in the days or certain days in the week.
The method of operation of the park must be outlined in the response to the EOI. It is anticipated that this may include whether there are staff onsite or not.
14. Is there any restriction on having an onsite caretaker/ manager occupying a caravan or mobile home.
There are no specific restrictions on the abode of a caretaker/ manager. It is anticipated that if a caretaker/manager is present or residing on the premises, then this would be outlined in the EOI response.
15. Could a Kiosk or other “Pop-Up” type snack/Ice-cream or coffee shop be set up on one of the lots in Palm Street.
A kiosk or pop-up type operation may set up on the premises in Palm Street. This will be under a Local Law Permit.
16. Is the Lessee entirely responsible for Public Liability Insurance given there is likely to be some public use of the Toilet Block and/or Public Dump Point.
The lessee must maintain Public Liability Insurance to the specified policy amount.
17. Does Council have any preconceived view as to appropriate Lease Period. Is there a minimum lease period.
No. Council is seeking Expressions of Interest to understand how best to prepare tenders so that the market may respond appropriately to the opportunity presented without being limited to a preconceived operation.
Updates made to this Request